John 4:30

They came out of the town and made their way towards him. “went” (KJV) or “came” (NIV) shows that her news produced a response “at once and in a rush.” (RWP) “came” (KJV) or “made their way” (NIV) are translations of a descriptive verb better rendered “were coming” which vividly portrayed the long procession of Samaritans approaching Jesus. S.D. …

John 4:13

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, The water that comes from Jacob’s well will indeed satisfy a natural thirst…for a while, but that thirst will return.  The woman’s own experiences will testify to that.  The results of drinking from the well are not permanent. Matthew Henry states that “Yesterday’s meat and drink …

John 4:3

When the Lord learned of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee. “knew” (KJV)  is the Greek ginosko which menas to learn to know; to become acquainted with; to gain a knowledge of.  NIV translates as “learned.” Jesus came into the knowledge that the Pharisees had heard about His increasing popularity either through divine knowledge or, more likely, through …