The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep.
Shepherds in Palestine are quite different from those in Western lands. In Palestine, the shepherd was never off duty while the sheep were grazing. The ground is rough and stone-filled so there is very little grass which creates a need to keep them moving to other pastures and a tendency on the part of the sheep to wander away, intent upon their grazing. There are no fences or protecting walls, but there are many cliffs and predators to necessitate constant vigilance on the part of the shepherd. Thus the following (from Barclay):
Attributes of a shepherd
- fearless courage
- constant vigilance
- patient love for his flock
Equipment of a shepherd
- scrip = an animal skin bag in which was kept food for the shepherd.
- sling = used as a weapon or as an encouragement to a wandering sheep for it to turn back.
- staff = a short wooden club which was sometimes studded with nails and hung from the belt of the shepherd. It was used as a weapon against beasts and thieves.
- rod = a pole with a crook at the end for catching straying sheep. In the evening, the shepherd would lay the rod across the doorway of the fold at such a height as to cause the sheep to pass slowly under it so he could examine them for any injuries sustained during the day. (Eze 20:37)
Ezekiel 20:37 I will take note of you as you pass under my rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant.