And in that place many believed in Jesus.

This may be similar to the incident in Samaria when the woman brought many to Jesus but they believed because of the words of Jesus, not due to the words of the woman (John 4:42), but her words were what brought the people to Him. Here, the testimony of John has brought the people to seek Jesus, but their faith in Him is based upon their personal experience of Him. So it is with us today. Our testimony brings men to Jesus, but it is their personal experience of Him that is the basis of their faith. If their faith is based solely on our words, they will soon fall away. They need to develop a personal relatiosnhip with Jesus.

John 4:42  They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Saviour of the world.”

“in that place” = the word sets the location in contrast with Judea. Jesus was rejected and persecuted where it would be thought that He would be most accepted, and instead He was welcomed in despised Perea. Someone once said that it is easier to save a drug addict than a church-goer. Look for opportunities to share about Christ this week and be sure to look in the most unsuspecting places, for it is “in that place” that God’s work is most often done.