“Where have you laid him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied.

Jesus apparently did not know the location of the gravesite. Their (the sisters?) reply indicates that it was some distance away.

Note that though Mary said the same thing to Him as Martha had done, His response to Mary is quite different. He answered Martha’s statement with a revelation into the fact that He is the resurrection and the life, but Mary He does not respond verbally, but instead emotionally. Jesus treated the two sisters differently because they were different individuals and they needed different treatment. Jesus always knows the very best way of meeting your needs, whether they are physical, spiritual, or emotional and He will do it.

This fact also presents us with a challenge. You do not have the ability to judge someone else about how God is dealing with them just because God deals with you in a different manner. What is a cure for you is not necessarily a cure for your neighbor. Let God deal with others in His own way, and not in the way you think it ought to be done.