When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them.

Jesus completed washing their feet. He apparently washed ALL of their feet, including those of Judas. Why didn’t He send Judas out to do his evil before the foot-washing? Probably so He could make one last appeal to Judas to repent.

Jesus put His clothes back on. In taking them off, He had symbollically removed His office of Teacher and Lord and now, by His putting them back on, He was again taking up those positions of authority.

Notice that it would have taken a minute or two for him to put the towel and basin down and put His own clothes back on. What do you think was going through the minds of the disciples during this time? Even this small break was probably in the plan of Jesus, for it would have given the disciples a little time for His actions and the implications of them to sink in.

I would bet that the only thing that broke the deathly silence were the next words of Jesus. He asks His disciples if they know what He has done for them. Robertson wryly observes that, “It was a searching question, particularly to Simon Peter and Judas.” (RWP) Why do you think Robertson would say that?