John 2:10

and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”

The 6 waterpots were all filled to the brim with good and thus expensive wine.  This would be from 120 to 180 gallons of fine wine.  Jesus not only met the immediate needs of the wedding couple, He also gave them a bountiful wedding gift.

Out of the mouth of the wedding governor came a truth of which he was totally unaware — that Jesus always saves His best wine until last. Matthew Henry observes that “Christ’s works commend themselves even to those that know not their author.” As for saving the best until last, the world does the exact opposite; it woos us and enslaves us with empty promises and temporary pleasures, but none of them last. They, like the wine, become less satisfying and in the end they drag us down into defeat and despair. But Jesus always keeps His promises and, in fact, life with Him becomes progressively more joyous as we grow in our relationship with Him.

NOT seldom, clad in radiant vest,

Deceitfully goes forth the Morn;

Not seldom Evening in the west

Sinks smilingly forsworn.

The smoothest seas will sometimes prove,

To the confiding Bark, untrue;

And, if she trust the stars above,

They can be treacherous too.

The umbrageous Oak, in pomp outspread

Full oft, when storms the welkin rend,

Draws lightning down upon the head

It promised to defend.

But Thou art true, incarnate Lord,

Who didst vouchsafe for man to die;

Thy smile is sure, thy plighted word

No change can falsify!

I bent before thy gracious throne,

And asked for peace on suppliant knee;

And peace was given,—nor peace alone,

But faith sublimed to ecstasy!