Then each went to his own home.
“each” may refer to those gathered at the Sanhedrin or to all of those who were in Jerusalem for the feast. If it were the former, then we see how effective the words of Nicodemus were. If it is the latter, it is speaking of the end of the Feast of Tabernacles and the return of all to their homes. This is a sad thought because they had all heard Jesus and marveled at His words, but at the end of the day they just turn their backs on Him and go their own way, just as the Pharisees had done.
It is never good enough for a man or a woman to just know the Bible through and through and to be well-versed in Christian doctrine — our hearts must also be affected by that Word and our lives changed. To do this, we must have a relationship with the living Word of God, Jesus Himself. What about you? Are you relying upon your knowledge of Him or upon your good deeds, or are you denying yourself and trusting completely in His impartation of righteousness on your behalf? Jesus isn’t just a way to God, He is the ONLY way!
John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me.